Aprilog makes & stocks IC adapters for QFP, TQFP, QFN, MLF, SOIC, SSOP, TSSOP, TSOP, VSOP, SOP, PLCC, PGA & SOT packages and stocks test sockets by Enplas, Plastronics, Sensata, Yamaichi & Tokyo Electech. Programming adapters, IC footprint chip changing adapters, and ZIF socket to PCB pads adapters. Adapters for Microchip PIC, Intel, NXP, ST, Freescale, and many more. We also build custom adapters to meet your special needs.
- Component Adapters & Test/Burn-in ZIF Sockets
Aprilog makes & stocks IC adapters for QFP, TQFP, QFN, MLF, SOIC, SSOP, TSSOP, TSOP, VSOP, SOP, PLCC, PGA & SOT packages and stocks test sockets by Enplas, Plastronics, Sensata, Yamaichi & Tokyo Electech. Programming adapters, IC footprint chip changing adapters, and ZIF socket to PCB pads adapters. Adapters for Microchip PIC, Intel, NXP, ST, Freescale, and many more. We also build custom adapters to meet your special needs.

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IC & Transistor Test Sockets

Aprilog IC burn in and test sockets, for TQFP, QFN, MLF, 
IC Breadboard Adapters
With and Without Sockets For SMT IC Devices
Aprilog Breadboard test adapters with test sockets or a component solder site footprint.  These adapters are for surface mounted parts or mounted with ZIF or clamshell test sockets that provide connection to TQFP, QFN, MLF, SOIC, SSOP, TSSOP, TSOP, VSOP, SOP, PLCC, and prototype 0.1 inch spaced printed circuit card sites. Or, a simple board with pins on 100 mil centers, and a solder mounting site for your component. Quantity prices are available.
ZIF & DIP IC Sockets to SMT Pads

Aprilog Test socket to board adapters. Test adapters with ZIF or clamshell test sockets that provide connection to TQFP, QFN, MLF, SOIC, SSOP, TSSOP, TSOP, VSOP, SOP, PLCC printed circuit card sites.
IC Switched Signal Isolator
Pin Monitor Adapters

Aprilog Adapters to switch all component connections on or off, and have test point pins on both sides of each switch. Testing adapters with ZIF or clamshell test sockets that provide connection to TQFP, QFN, MLF, SOIC, SSOP, TSSOP, TSOP, VSOP, SOP, PLCC printed circuit card sites.
IC Test Pin Monitor
Logic Analyzer Adapters

Aprilog Logic analyser test adapters that have signal connection pins for each IC pin.  These adapters are mounted with ZIF or clamshell test sockets that provide connection to TQFP, QFN, MLF, SOIC, SSOP, TSSOP, TSOP, VSOP, SOP, PLCC, and prototype 0.1 inch spaced printed circuit card sites.
SMT Capacitor Resistor Test Sockets

Aprilog SMT Capacitor burn in and test sockets
IC Component Tester Adapters

Aprilog High quality ZIF test socket mounted on a circuit card with 18 mil round pins spaced on 0.1 inch centers to fit into standard automatic tester receptacles.
In-Circuit Emulator Adapters

Aprilog Emulator in-circuit pod to unit under test adapters.
DIP to Surface Mount Pads

Aprilog DIP sockets to surface mount pad adapters.
PLCC IC Socket to Socket & Surface mount

Aprilog PLCC to surface mount apters.
PGA Adapters to SMT Pads

Aprilog Female pin receptacles to surface mount footprint adapters.
IC Programming Adapters & Programmers

Aprilog Adapters that provide component to DIP programmer socket signal-to-signal connections for programming.
IC Footprint Converters

Aprilog Component footprint adapters referred to as chip changers or interposers. Provide a way to mount newer IC packages to older printed circuit cards. Quantity pricing is available.
IC SMT Component Carrier
PCB Plug-On Adapters

Aprilog SMT Component carriers have surface mount pads on one side and female pin receptacles on the other so that surface mount components can be quickly and easily changed on a circuit board without soldering.
Meter Adapters

Meter banana plug adapters.
IC SMT Pad Adapter Bases

Aprilog SMT pad adapter bases solder to surface mount component footprints, and provide male pin connections for adapters and user circuit boards.
Surface Mount Base Connectors

Aprilog Base connectors mate with SMT pad adapter bases. Provides a way to mount user circuit boards to IC surface mount footprint.  Use with SMT Pad adapter base.
Tokyo Eletech Corp IC Adapters & Sockets

Aprilog Tokyo Eletech Corp IC sockets and adapters.

Aprilog is at 1442 Rollins Road, Burlingame CA 94010 USA

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We accept most major credit cards and PayPal    Hours 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Weekdays California time.

Aprilog is a Division of Enable Engineering Co., Inc.